EducaTours of Australia

Discover the magic of "Fully Escorted Educational Tours" with EducaTours of Australia

Pam Walsh • May 14, 2024

Are you ready to take your students on an unforgettable adventure? But just the thought of planning everything makes you feel tired!

Ever been on a guided tour or holiday where you arrived at the meeting point bursting with excitement because all you had to do was show up? From that moment on, everything was taken care of, leaving you free to immerse yourself in the experience.

Now, contrast that with trips where you were the one planning every detail—activities, meals, accommodations—and fielding questions like "What's next?" or "What's for (breakfast/lunch/dinner)?". It's hard to fully enjoy the experience when you're busy managing everyone around you.

So, what exactly do we mean by "Fully Escorted Educational Tours"? It's simple: our experienced Tour Coordinators handle everything. From flights to coaches, venues to activities, accommodations to meals, and even snacks! They accompany you on the tour, managing check-ins, paperwork (including flights, waivers, and dietary needs), transportation, and resolving any minor issues that may arise. Teachers just need to look after the students. Our On Tour Coordinators even provide commentary throughout the tour, allowing coach drivers to focus on safe driving.

At EducaTours of Australia, we take care of all the tour arrangements from start to finish on behalf of the school. This frees teachers from the burden of planning and organizing, allowing them to focus on their students' needs to ensure they get the most out of the experience.

Still not convinced about the benefits of having an On Tour Coordinator? Imagine this: You're halfway through an incredible educational program when Little Jonny falls ill. The teacher needs to stay with him. No worries! Your On Tour Coordinator ensures the rest of the students meet up with another teacher and can even join as an extra supervisor if needed. Rest assured, all our Coordinators hold current Blue Cards issued under the guidelines of the Queensland Government’s Blue Card Services.

At EducaTours of Australia, we aim to provide tours that are both enjoyable and educational for everyone who travels with us. We pride ourselves on our "extraordinary customer service" because the difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little bit extra!

Let us take the hassle out of planning, booking, and coordinating your next educational tour. Click here to get started!

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